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8684南平地图 >> 武夷山悦华酒店 福建省武夷山市国家旅游度假区 >> 查看地图




简单介绍:武夷山悦华酒店地处福建省武夷山国家旅游度假区内,西邻崇阳溪、面朝武夷山著名景观大王峰,交通十分便捷,风景如梦如画。酒店定位五星级豪华休闲度假会议型酒店,拥有204间(套)客房及600人的餐饮接待能力,多功能厅、各类规模会议场所以及康乐、健身、泳池、SPA水疗、泰式按摩、酒廊等设施一应俱全。 The Wuyi Mountain Yeohwa Resort is located in Fujian Wuyishan National Tourism and Holiday Zone. It is near Chongyang Brook to the west and faces Dawang Peak, the famous scenic spot of Wuyi Mountain. With convenient transportation and incredible scenery, this five-star deluxe resort is the ideal place to enjoy your holidays, leisure time and meetings. It has a full range of services and facilities, including 204 guestrooms, a dining capacity of 600 people, multi-function rooms, meeting and conference rooms of various sizes, fitness and recreational facilities, swimming pools, SPA and hydrotherapeutic facilities, Thai massage facilities, bars and many more.


同类信息: 武夷山悦华酒店

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